Key provisions of the ACA that intend to address rising health costs include providing more oversight of health insurance premiums and practices; emphasizing prevention, primary care and effective treatments; reducing health care fraud and abuse; reducing uncompensated care to prevent a shift onto insurance premium costs; fostering comparison shopping in insurance exchanges to increase competition and price transparency; implementing Medicare payment reforms; and testing new delivery and payment system models in Medicaid and Medicare.
"I will need these injections monthly for the rest of my life."
Hydroxocobalamin is man-made injectable form of vitamin B12 which is used to treat deficiency of the vitamin. Serious vitamin B12 deficiency result in pernicious anemia.
The medication is given through injection into muscle as directed by the doctor. Dosage is based on medical condition and the response to the treatment. Certain medical conditions like pernicious anemia require patient to continue receiving injections every month.
Hence the patient if understand the therapy has to understand also that he has to take these injections for his/her lifer on monthly basics.