It was approximately 200 years ago that the ocean became important area of study
In Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled in 1919 that Schenck violated the Espionage Act. His campaign included printing and mailing 15,000 fliers to draft-age men arguing that conscription (the draft) was unconstitutional and urging them to resist. According to Schenck, conscription is a form of "involuntary servitude" and is therefore prohibited by the 13th Amendment. People were told to exercise their rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, and petitioning the government. Charles Schenck was imprisoned for expressing his beliefs after the court upheld the Espionage Act as constitutional. Schenck requested a new trial after he was convicted of violating the Espionage Act in 1917. He was denied the request. Afterward, he appealed to the Supreme Court, which agreed to review his case in 1919. This case later showed certain kinds of speech would be deemed illegal if it posed as a threat to the US’s needs.
The "Roaring 20s"/"Jazz Era was the period in the 1920s when the world was largely recovered from World War I and was freely spending.
The Roaring 20s are large associated with jazz, flapper culture, and changes in art. Famous figures include F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein, Pablo Picasso, and others. The US in this time period became the world's dominant financial force as a result of the Dawes Plan, which worked to create financial instruments to handle Germany's reparations from World War I.
This is called the Lee Statement and it was proposed by Richard Henry Lee in 1776. This means that the colonies that were under the British rule up until the American revolutionary war had the right to be independent and free from all conections to the British Empire and that they can be their own states.