Nutrients that become especially important as you age include protein, vitamin D, calcium and vitamin B12. Summary: Older adults generally need fewer calories. However, their nutrient needs are just as high or higher than when they were younger. That's why eating nutrient-rich, whole foods becomes extremely important
Adding more sugar to substitute sweeter chocolate and balance out the bittersweet chocolate. The second option.
She could be facing many diseases that come with being overweight such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure
, strokes, fatty liver disease, kidney disease, and problems if she is/becomes pregnant.
Answer: Asking a doctor questions when something doesn't feel right
Explanation: Sharing your concerns with a medical professional is the most important part of being proactive. Even if your concerns are only suspicions at the time the doctor will use best diagnostics to exclude or identify a problem.
Delaying sharing such concerns may potentially mean loss of valuable time in a treatment. Self-diagnosis is prone to error and online source may be biased/misleading.
Extra flossing may be good, but won't replace dental checkups.
Using home remedies is more often than not unreliable and, while are certainly free to use them, does not represent the idea of being proactive with your health.