Fast foods contribute to obesity because they contain a lot of calories and most of the food it’s not healthy for you. it could wait her have a lot of sodium or a lot of sugar who cv is not so good for you
the consumption of fast food has increased over the past four decades at an alarming rate. point raised are unhealthy ingredients, high portion ,low cost and convenient.
Most fast food contains alot of sugar, This means that you are taking in large amount of unhealthy calories in the shape of fast food which leads to weight gain and ultimately obesity. Most of the fast foods have exceeding levels of sugar and fats which are directly associated with increasing weight.
The pressure exerted by the sharp knife edge is more than that exerted by the blunt one because the area on which force is exerted with a sharp knife is very small.So blunt knife cannot cut the vegetables properly.
Fiber slows the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream which makes it less likely to get diabetes. It has benefits for a heart to be healthy.