They all accused people of something without probable cause
The answer is: it is about evolution.
Darwin himself characterized his seminal book, <em>On the origin of the species, </em>as “one long argument”. There is still debate as to what exactly did he mean by that characterization, but it is agreed upon that he evidently was referencing his theory of evolution based on common ancestry between species and natural selection as the process of differentiation between them, which, all in all, tells a story that took millions of years, or, in more poetic terms, it summarizes a very long argument.
The following are context clues phrases in the passage examples and syntax
A) Muscles do not get oxygen.
3. They may not have time to read the whole thing.
1: You cannot gain a general understanding by skimming a text.
2: It doesn't make sense to skim a text if you need help defining a word, because part of defining a word is looking for context clues.
4: If they are looking for specific information they would have to analyze the text instead of quickly looking over it.
Therefore 3 is the right answer. Hope this helps :)