April is the <u>fourth month</u> of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the fifth in the early Ju.lian, the first of four months to have a length of 30 days, and the second of five months to have a length of less than 31 days.
A single celled salt water protozoan is transferred to a a freshwater lake. What might happen to the protozoan
- it would gain water from the hypertonic solution. It it can't get rid of the pressure, it will burst.
Mary Mallon (September 23, 1869 – November 11, 1938), also known as Typhoid Mary, was an Irish-born cook believed to have infected 53 people with typhoid fever, three of whom died, and the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the disease pathogen, Salmonella typhi.
The would have to be weather
all of the above
gravity makes a planet have a combination go straight yet go around the sun at the same time creating an ellipse