Each of these types of scientists focus on different research studies and therefore needs different tools. Field Scientists' studies mainly revolve around observations which they, therefore, need only a pen and paper, this may sometimes change when they need bigger machinery to make a certain event occur, but this machinery is dependent on the type of research. On the other hand laboratory, scientists work with different specimens within the lab and tend to use tools such as Bunsen burner, beakers, reagent bottles, petri dishes, and microscopes.
Percentage of human sperm cells carry an X chromosome is C 50%
The reproductive system in both males and females are controlled and regulated by the interaction of hormones from the hypothalamus and pituitary glands with hormones from the reproductive organs. How do these hormones affect the development of male and female reproductive systems
A strand of DNA having base sequence as ATG CGA. The complementary strand of DNA will be produced with base sequence as TAC GCT. In the double strand DNA nitrogenous bases paired in a specific manner, A (Adenine) always pair with T (Thymine) with double hydrogen bond or vice-versa and C (Cytosine) pair with G (guanine) with triple hydrogen bond or vice-versa.
false. ulna is on pinky side, radius is on thumb side