D the reason is you do the Punnett square and dominate is a capital letter so a recessive is a lowercase meaning DD or Dd can be right
D takes control. d doesn't take control unless with another lowercase.
Answer: Nitrogen and oxygen are 99% of earths atmosphere, the left 1% is other gasses.
Explanation: Earth's atmosphere is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, 0.9 percent argon, and 0.1 percent other gases. Trace amounts of carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and neon are some of the other gases that make up the remaining 0.1 percent
Hello, I figured your question was missing its answers so I went online to find them. Here they are:
No visible cytoplasmic granules are present in ________.
A) basophils
B) monocytes
C) eosinophils
D) neutrophils
The correct answer is: B) monocytes.
<u>White blood cells can be divided into granular and agranular.</u> Granular leukocytes (WBC) have granules that contain enzymes in their cytoplasm (the enzymes are used in the immune and inflammatory responses). <u>Agranular leukocytes</u><u> do not have cytoplasmic granules</u>.
<u>The granular leukocytes are 3: basophils, eosinophils, and neutrophils</u>.
<u>The</u><u> agranular</u><u> leukocytes are: </u><u>monocytes</u><u> and lymphocytes</u>.
Monocytes are very large cells with the important function of phagocytosis: this makes them capable of eating pathogens and old blood cells. When arriving at a tissue outside of the blood, they differentiate to macrophages with special features to perform in that tissue. They make up <u>2 to 8 percent of all leukocytes</u>. Monocytes and macrophages are also antigen-presenting cells (APCs): when needed, they can present antigens to other white blood cells in order to mediate the immune response.
Where the optic nerve exits the back of the eye
B. Sophocles
Oedipus Rex is the Latin title of the play Oedipus The King written by Sophocles. The play is a Greek tragedy and was performed for the first time as long ago as 429 BC ! It is the first play in a trilogy written by Sophocles. The other two plays in the series about King Oedipus are Oedipus at Colonus and Antigone.
The play has been praised as the classic tragedy. Aristotle has praised and mentioned it many times in his work, Poetics.