only one absolute moral rule:
the principle of utility
The principle of utility holds that actions or behaviors are morally right or wrong depending on if they promote happiness or pleasure.
They opine that an action is wrong if it brings displeasure and unhappiness and are against absolute moral codes that classify specific actions or behaviors as right or wrong. Utilitarians therefore believe that pain or pleasure can be objectively measured and quantified.
The drying rooms spray gun of more sophisticated paint shops have permanent infrared or sodium quartz units for the forced drying of paint, particularly enamels.
Suction spray works with the help of compressed air. There are number sray gun with various versatile characteristics. Spray tube connected the paint container with the tube and it works on the wall in this way. Drying rooms spray gun is of more sophisticated paint than normal spray gun.
And this drying spray gun has permanent infrared or sodium quartz units for the forced drying of paints particularly enamels. Drying paints dry up so quickly and be glazed like enamels which is more shinning in nature.
I do believe your answer is
C. Slander
Yes it is enforceable, on judgement options , once a plaintiff receives a judgement in favour of him in terms of monetary, the defendant has up till 28days to make such payment. Judgement has been passed , it needs to be followed as it has been passed, it has been entered ,it is left for the defendant to comply.
D. participated in a winner-take-all competition
Robbers Cave Study can be characterized as a study of realistic group conflict. This study aimed to analyze and explain how hostility grows between groups through conflicts created in competitions. Furthermore, this study explained how feelings of prejudice and discrimination arise among groups that were competing for something. In the Robbers Cave study, specifically, this conflict between the groups developed into a competition where the winner took all the prizes.