At least 15% of our genome is more similar to gorillas than our closest "relatives," chimpanzees.
First, you need to understand a few things. Gorillas, chimpanzees and humans all have one ancestor in common. First, gorillas distinguished themselves and followed their own evolutionary path. Then humans and chimpanzees broke up. That's why the chimpanzee is considered the most human-like animal - and the gorilla the second.
The data showed that the separation of gorillas from our common ancestor took place about 10 million years ago - four million before the separation between humans and chimpanzees.
Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product. These products are often proteins.
The force needed to move a boy and his wheelchair with a combined mass of 30kg at 0.4 meters per square second is 12 newton.
According to Newton's second law based motion "the moving object's acceleration is based upon two terms - one is the total force acting upon that object and the other one is the net mass of the object."
In mathematical term, F=ma. where F= force, m= mass, a= acceleration.
So, by performing the calculation,
12N force will move the boy along with the wheel chair.