Disparaging or belittling a despised out group provides people with a heightened sense of self-esteem.
Self-esteem is the belief in one's own abilities or value. Self-esteem includes feelings of triumph, despair, pride, and shame as well as self-perceived truths (such as "I am loved" and "I am worthy"). "
The self-concept is what we think about the self; self-esteem is the positive or negative judgments of the self, as in how we feel about it," wrote Smith and Mackie in 2007.
Self-esteem is a desirable psychological concept since it accurately predicts some outcomes, including scholastic success, happiness, marital and romantic fulfillment, and criminal behavior.
Self-esteem can be applied broadly or to a particular quality. Self-esteem is typically viewed by psychologists as a permanent personality attribute (state self-esteem), while there are also typical, short-term changes.
Self-esteem has the following synonyms or nearly-synonyms:self-worth, self-regard, self-respect, and self-integrity.
Learn more about self-esteem here:
Communism, Dictatorship and Republic there might be a few others but thats all that i can think of. Hope that helps
(1) the representation of the sending state in the host state at a level beyond the merely social and ceremonial;
(2) the protection within the host state of the interests of the sending state and its nationals, including their property and shares in firms;
(3) the negotiation and signing of agreements with the host state when authorized;
(4) the reporting and gathering of information by all lawful means on conditions and developments in the host country for the sending government
Context please so we can understand what you mean