I believe it's producers, correct me if I'm wrong.
The only possibility of the daughter being colour blind is where both parents have a recessive gene for colour blindness with the father being colour blind as well. so assuming the recessive allele is Xc, then the genotype of the mother is XCXc, where she has a normal colour vision and the father's genotype is XcY, where he is colour blind.
Sand is granular and coarse meaning that water and nutrients can flow through it quite easily. Clay on the other hand has very fine particles that cling together to form a waterproof substance which traps/ stops any nutrients or water from moving down. Clay's also quite difficult for plants to get their roots into. Silt has a texture between clay and sand, meaning that it is the ideal substance as it allows the best water and nutrition movement in the soil. Most plants will grow best in silt, but there are some plants who are more adapted to living in sand (e.g. Marram grass) or clay.
Birds have inspired flight and horses of inspired locomotis and cars yet none of today’s transportation vehicles for symbol medal skeletons of living breathing self replicating animals. However they do succeed in lifting of the ground in the same function as a bird, as well as the landing.