The first exercise during Strength Endurance training involves a traditional strength exercise, such as a bench press, that is p
erformed in a stable environment in order to elicit which of the following?a. Fixator strength b. Antagonist muscle strength
c. Prime mover strength
d. Neutralizer strength
Strength and endurance training involves a traditional strength exercise. These trainings are the main activities in fitness centers, besides contributing to muscle growth with the decrease of body fat and the increase of bone mass. Its constant practice leads to the harmonious transformation of the human physical constitution. The first exercise during Strength and Endurance training involves a strength exercise because it aims to promote the engine's main strength.
El principal objetivo del baloncesto es hacer un gol y sumar puntos. Se hace un gol lanzando el balón a través de la canasta o aro. El poste o la canasta de un equipo está en el campo del oponente.