Mullatoes I think thats how you spell it. :)
The baby became habituated to the pattern of the dots in the shape of a square
Habituation is the learning process by which an organism's initial response to a stimulus decreases after the organism repeatedly is exposed to the stimulus.
Here, the baby was interested to the pattern of the dots in the shape of a square but after the baby was repeatedly subjected to it the baby became habituated to them and lost interest. Later a different pattern got the baby interested again.
Hence, the baby became habituated to the pattern of the dots in the shape of a square.
Because Germany had invaded them twice in 30 years.
The problem with the way Great Britain and France drew borders in the Middle East was that neither Great Britain nor France found it necessary to include the locals in the operations of demarcating the borders and nor did they take their interests into consideration.
- Mark Sykes was chosen by the British Council to take responsibility on his shoulders to collaborate with France and demarcate the borders of the Middle East.
- From the French side, George Picot was given the responsibility to have colloquies with the British officials and decide upon how should the borders of the Middle East be demarcated so that they serve the interests of both the British and the French.
- The operation of demarcating the borders of the Middle East failed at involving the locals into it as there were no such provisions discussed before the commencement of the operation.