Health-related fitness components include cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility , body composition and muscular strength.
Answer: Option C
Any fitness school would acknowledge these components as the components of complete health maintenance. The cardiovascular endurance can be explained as the ability of our heart and the lungs to work together to provide oxygen that fuels the body.
Muscle strength is the ability of the muscles to work, endurance is the capacity of the muscle to do work without fatigue , body composition is the ratio of mass of fat to the mass of other vital organs of the body and flexibility is the bending of muscles in their joints.
Mainly because in the health charts they also differ in height ,(however body frames also take a a little role into the weight but its hardly spoken about or included into the charts)
This does not happen when serum containing B antibodies is added to red blood cells carrying the A antigen because an antibody reacts only with its specific antigen and no other.
I would say that if she is being mean you can first try to talk it out with her (because relationships may take work sometimes and if she is really important both of you will be willing to put in the work), but if that doesn't go well and you really don't think it is going to work you should go to your other friends or family for support especially if she was a very important part of your life.