because of the word "environmentalism" which gives meaning and purpose to the term as a group or movement.
Hi, you've asked an incomplete question. However, based on inference, after consult relevant academic material, the learning objective on this particular assignment is stated below;
<em>"To think about things like your education, career goals, romantic relationships, how you get around, and your physical health, write at least one paragraph explaining how such aspects of your life would have changed had you lived in the early 1900s."</em>
Kathy should seek quotes from various rental space providers.
Kathy should make a decision to rent of renovate the building based on cost. The major criteria for decision making is based on the monetary factors. Rent for the new space will be compared with the renovation cost in order to reach to a final decision.
On average, managers spend the least amount of time doing the managerial activity is networking.
What is networking?
Networking is the technique of making connections with respect of the business environment. Managers very often get involved in developing relationships and making their own networks. They are accountable for monitoring and completing the given task in an effective way. So, they basically focus on many managerial activities like decision-making, planning things, communicating the required information, managing employees, etc.
Which managerial function is the most important?
The most important function of management is Planning. Planning means setting objectives in order to achieve , a goal in a limited time period .Several alternatives are formulated in order to achieve the goals.
Learn more about managerial activity: