The citizens of the U.S.A. with not less than 30 years of
age can contest election to the senate. . The term of office for US Senators is
6 years; there are no term limits. A Senator may serve as long as the voters of
his (or her) state continue electing him, provided he is not removed from
office for misconduct. The US Senate is composed of 100 senators. There are 2
from each of the 50 states, regardless of population. They have to have been a
U.S. Citizen for the past nine years. They must be a resident of the state
which they want to represent, at the time of elections.
We've all heard Dr. Singer's case against killing animals for food. But let's face it; this is America and everyone loves a good steak. If you're invited to dinner and the host is serving meat, you're going appear outright rude if you refuse to eat what you're served. The fallacy involved here is Bandwagon
cultural imperialism.
Global media giants are taking hold of media industries worldwide. Their ability to successfully promote their programming in foreign countries raises issues concerning cultural imperialism.
Cultural imperialism or cultural colonialism is a process of promoting a culture over another. The promotion of tv programs of foreign countries with the aid of satellite television networks is raising concerns of cultural colonialism. Especially in Africa, individuals believe that the promotion of foreign programs is eroding their existing cultural practices and its being replaced by foreign cultural practices which are promoted on televisions of foreign origin.
a cognitive map.
Cognitive map: In psychology, the term cognitive map is also referred to as mental model or mental map, and is defined as a form of a mental representation that helps a person to gain, recall, code, store, and decode a particular information related to the relative attributes and locations of specific phenomena in his or her metaphorical or day-to-day spatial environment. It is considered as a small part in an individual's spatial cognition.
In the question above, considering the given situation George has reached Ryan’s by using a cognitive map.
C. Educated women may learn family-planning techniques