Increased trade across national boarders
According to Stephen Covey, when you use a win paradigm, parties in potential conflict work together to develop new solutions that make them all winners.
Paradigm is a philosophical model that contains set of concept and patterns, methodology etc. It has instinct of impress anyone's self confidence. When someone use win paradigm parties who are in conflict work they together develop new solutions that make them all winners.
That means it develops self esteem, confidence which lead them towards success. As paradigm contains models, self concept so anyone can put forward his views about certain thing. That's why Stephen Covey emphasized win paradigm.
The ones that would apply are:
- Agreements help countries to import goods they can not produce as easily.
- Trade agreements help to lower tariffs and taxes.
- Countries enter agreements to be able to sell their products more easily.
A trade or contract agreement is a treaty between two or more countries where trade agreements are established between them, declaring as it will be the control of taxes, tariffs, and trade that will exist between the countries. Most of these agreements seek to reduce or eliminate tariffs, taxes or marketing restrictions between the signatory countries. Likewise, they focus on the marketing of goods that can not be produced in the countries.
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Political consultants use market research to help candidates understand micro-trends in the voting population that will allow the candidate specifically target those voters with messaging that will resonate.
Answer: cultural diversity has its positive impact only if there is democracy, i.e. free movement of goods, ideas, people. If there is this freedom, then Europe is an extremely creative, free and progressive place. Europeans experienced times of nationalism, wars, revolutions so Europe in itself is not a guarantee of creativity, freedom and progressive thinking, but if there is a population able to establish really "European lifestyle" than diversity can have unique consequences.
Explanation: usually there is a tendency to supress differentness, but Europe experiences the worst consequences of such tendency so there is some sort of notion that diversity is creative and productive and that it is worth of taking care of. Impact ? Populations speaking different languages. educated, flexible, able to work with advanced technologies, psychologically open, accostumed to "different" things, able to travel to distant places and learn.