That the purple trait is dominant and the purple pea plant has a gene type of PP and the white flower has a gene type of pp
Adaptive immune defense system consists of lymphocytes like B-lymphocytes and T- lymphocytes. B-lymphocytes provides humoral immunity while T- lymphocytes provide cell-mediated immunity to the body.
99% of lymphocytes circulate freely in the blood and lymph. B lymphocytes differentiate into plasma B cells and B memory cells when interact with antigen presented by T helper cells.
Then plasma cells secrete antibodies in the circulation which binds to extracellular antigens through antigen-binding site. Then the bounded antigen is recognized by receptors present on phagocytic cells. This receptor binds the Fc region of antigen bounded antibody and destroy the antigen by phagocytosis.
In unicellular organisms, cell division is the means of reproduction; in multicellular organisms, it is the means of tissue growth and maintenance. Survival of the eukaryotes depends upon interactions between many cell types, and it is essential that a balanced distribution of types be maintained. This is achieved by the highly regulated process of cell proliferation. The growth and division of different cell populations are regulated in different ways, but the basic mechanisms are similar throughout multicellular organisms.
A Forest Pathologist is the scientist who studies the living and non living organisms that affect the ecosystems.
The answer is the dermis.