A)the disenfranchisement of blacks from voting in elections. i think would be the best awnswer.
The two all water routs towards the Orient, or better said South, Southeast, and East Asia were all around the continent of Africa.
The first route was going along the northern part of Africa, than through the northeastern part, down alongside the eastern part of the continent, and than making a turn to the east.
The second route, which was discovered because of the occupation of the Muslims of the waters of the first one and were requiring high taxes, was along side the whole of the western coast of Africa to its southernmost tip, and than making a turn towards northeast to its final destination.
The Butter Battle book has been viewed as a tale about the Cold War and World War II and the nuclear weapons race. The Yooks represent the United States and the Zooks represent the Soviet Union. Seuss was using them to describe the major events that occurred during his life.
They allowed anyone, regardless of age, to enroll into numerous courses that would help them adopt the US lifestyle and become accustomed to their culture. This would include courses in home economics, cooking, and various other things like organizing social clubs where people could meet, or places where people who don't have a family could find others.
Generally speaking it was the "Quakers" who pushed for the abolition of slavery, although there were people in practically every faith who pushed for this as well.