Convection is the heat transfer used in this transfer.
Genes come in multiple forms, or versions. Each of these forms is called an allele. For example, the gene responsible for the hair color trait has many alleles: an allele for brown hair, an allele for blonde hair, an allele for red hair, and so on.
The government's use of the PATRIOT Act was created to protect citizens from dangerous acts of terrorism.
fruits and vegetables are full of energy. Energy in the form of glucose. The energy from sunlight is briefly held in NADPH and ATP, which is needed to drive the formation of sugars such as glucose.
As Melvin Calvin discovered, carbon fixation is the first step of a cycle. The Calvin cycle transfers energy in small, controlled steps. Each step pushes molecules uphill in terms of energy content. Recall that in the electron transport chain, excited electrons lose energy to NADPH and ATP. In the Calvin cycle, NADPH and ATP formed in the light reactions lose their stored chemical energy to build glucose.
Protist and fungi are placed in the same domain because both have a true nucleus, have complex cellular organelles, are large, and Eukaryotic.