87 66 55
Array is used o store the multiple values with same data type.
the array show a decimal value .66, i assume this is enter by mistake because option has no decimal value.
The index of the array is start from zero, it means the first element store in the array at position zero.
In the for loop the variable 'i' start from 1 not zero and it goes to i<4 means i=3.
So, it access the element from 2 to 4 because the index is position of element less than 1.
Therefore, 87 66 55 print.
Together We Can Create Digital Systems That Provide Scale, Speed & Enable GrowthCohesive Digital Strategy · Secure IT Infrastructure · Secure Digital Foundation · New Digital EconomyTypes: Digital Business, Digital Operations, Digital Systems, Digital Technology<span>Digital Systems & TechDigital OperationsDigital Business<span>Latest Thinking</span></span>
Even though both are interfaces and serve its purpose of attempting to run the strategies, their components as well as the manipulate they will get from the patient differ.
CUI (Character User Interface) :-
- It's a sort of user interface that only uses binary data and pseudographics for interface-output and data sessions.
- That's characterized by low availability for operating systems I / O resources (act with integrity) and high speed with a display of data.
GUI (Graphical User Interface (GUI):-
- Using graphical elements such as windows, icons, menus helps the user to communicate with the program.
- It is a kind of user interface along which people interact with electronic equipment through characterizations of visual indicators.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int * reverse(int a[],int n)//function to reverse the array.
int i;
int temp=a[i];
return a;//return pointer to the array.
int main() {
int array[50],* arr,N;//declaring three variables.
cin>>N;//taking input of size..
if(N>50||N<0)//if size greater than 50 or less than 0 then terminating the program..
return 0;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
cin>>array[i];//prompting array elements..
arr=reverse(array,N);//function call.
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
cout<<arr[i]<<endl;//printing reversed array..
return 0;
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I have created a function reverse which reverses the array and returns pointer to an array.I have also considered edge cases where the function terminates if the value of the N(size) is greater than 50 or less than 0.
Phased installation
The name of this strategy is phased installation. Phased installation (or phased implementation) occurs when an existing system is replaced by a new one. However, unlike most implementations, this takes place in stages. This has several advantages. First, it allows you to test the system. If there is a problem with it, it is easier to revert back to the old strategy. Moreover, if employees need to adopt this new system, it allows them to get used to it slowly while still being able to access the previous one.