I think advertising lead to popularity of certain things. If advertising didnt exist there would be one major company for a product because no other brands would stand a chance. Take raid shadow legends for example. It would probably be unheard of if they didnt have over 1000 content creators promoting their product. I think I am affected by advertising because sometimes I see an Arbys or Chick-fil-A commercial and it makes me crave their food. This makes me clearly more likely to buy it. Even an ad on a website that shows something that speaks my interest makes me want to buy their product more. Have I ever bought something just because I see an advertisement though? No.
The Greek civilization was basically maritime, commercial and expansive. A historical reality in which the geographic component played a crucial role to the extent that the physical characteristics of the southern Balkan peninsula made it difficult for agricultural activity and internal communications, while its long coastal length favored its expansion towards overseas .
A phenomenon that would also have a substantial impact on the demographic pressure caused by the successive waves of peoples (among them the Achaeans, the Ionians and the Dorians) who invaded and occupied the Hellas throughout the III and II millennium BC.
The first Greeks were organized into family clans. Over time, the clans allied and formed communities, although they were separated from each other due to the mountainous relief of the region. This favored their becoming independent territories with their own government and army. In ancient Greek those populations were called polis. Despite sharing essentially the same geographical space, language and culture, the political organization of the polis was very diverse, including a wide range of systems of government, ranging from tyranny to democracy. The polis were the true political unit, with its institutions, customs and laws.
It seems that at first many Greek city-states were minor kingdoms; many times there was a municipal official who performed the king's duties. Later, most of these city-states had already become aristocratic oligarchies. It is not known how this change happened.
Athens fell under a tyranny in the second half of the sixth century BC. When this tyranny ended, the Athenians founded the first democracy in the world. An assembly of citizens for the discussion of municipal policy and all citizens were allowed to attend. By establishing democracy, the assembly became the mechanism of government; all citizens then had equal rights in the assembly.
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The Bubonic plague and the raids by Vikings.
<span>1. What are some conflicts or issues surrounding immigration and multiculturalism in the U.S. and the world?
</span>Some conflicts or issues surrounding immigration and multiculturalism in the U.S. and the world are determined by fears and prejudice around immigration, and some true facts about the economy and social changes. The main issues that many countries have are that either there is supposedly not space for everyone, or that immigrants do not add value to the population.<span>
Can these issues be resolved?
Of course, they could be resolved. It is a complex problem, but first and foremost we have to address the cause of the migration and understand the motive of these people. Then, we can find solutions appropriate for everyone. As for multiculturalism, only education can help us understand that mixing culture is a plus value, not the contrary.
Why or why not?
Because it is a problem that is not going away if we do not anything, it will become only worse. So, it is appropriate to sit and think about what we can do to properly address the issue in a way that works for everyone. Just reject this issue is not going to solve the problem as well, solutions come from understanding.
2. Migration significantly changes populations.
Migration historically changes populations, as people from different culture live together tradition, language, and everything that make a population unique change as different elements shapes together. The most adequate example is perhaps language, as today American, while remaining English, as some forms that derives straight from past migration. </span>