Being separated from one's family and sold
Well if was a few things, first was the idea of why are we fighting to protect the democracy of a country have way across the world especially when many South Vietnamese government seemed on the edge of collapse and was oppressing the Buddhist majority, then fact that we had a draft here, however politicians refused to activate the reserve and the national guard so many young people who were forced to serve were upset, then many people believed the Vietnamese people had the right to self determination.
but the many TL DR reason was just how many Americans were being killed in the pointless war and how many Americans were captured, also in 1967 and 1968 when it seemed like we couldn't win the war, and when documents were released saying that LBJ didn't think we could win either that really hurt support for the war
Primarily alternative way that these railroad companies used their land was to either sell it or rent it out to private business, and occasionally individuals, since the rail companies did not always need all the land they were given for development.
1. It Created Ethnic Diversity
2. It Facilitated Industry
3. It inspired Conflict
4. It Built America
1. 1870s and 1880s immigration was northern European, Ireland, England and Germany. Then came eastern and southern Europeans in Scandinavians, and Asians. Neighborhoods in places like NYC were dedicated to their own ethic groups, an example is "Little Italy".
2. This helped create a lot of simplified tasks for unskilled workers instead of skilled worker who were payed much more. 2/3rds of workers in Chicago were then Immigrants. This made some groups go into specific industries. For example, Jews went into the Garment Industry most of the time.
3. Society was conflicted on the arrival of Immigrants at the time. Low wages and unemployment was blamed on Immigrants, as well as the cause of poverty and crime. Laws were passed like the 1882 Chinese Exclusion act, and the 1894 Immigration Restriction League.
4. Closer to 50% of Immigrants actually only came to the US for economic reasons and went here to gain easy money and they went back to their home country. Around 30-50% of Italian immigrants actually went back to Italy after only 5 years. Many still became part of American society, and now millions of people can trace back their roots to Immigrant Groups.
It is sophist that’s The answer