Death of a Salesman explores the psychological chaos of the protagonist, the aptly-named Willy Loman, his belief in providing for his family and leaving a legacy behind after death, and the capitalist society's impact on his life. ... The aforementioned struggle to provide for his family drives Willy to his death.
he function of setting and atmosphere in Death of a Salesman correspond with one another to show the importance of the Loman household, the time period of the play, and Willy's flashbacks. ... He wishes that he could go back and live in that time period.
We are being asked to declare a variable, thus, we can use "PrintWriter" that is suitable for referring to an object that provides methods for writing to a text file.
On how to use it, we can define it such as
Output.printIn ="hi";
Without transitions the argument will sound bland and unorganized. All the hardwork put into the essay will be futile if there is no embellishment in the writing. Their must be ingenuity put into the argument, like transitions, to keep a reader comprehending your argument, as well as following each and every detail. Without transitions, your paper will not be able to do that.
Without the paragraph as reference I can’t answer the question properly.
Because all answers are valid without knowing how it’s used
What it means to be an informed and educated citizen is to know what is going on in your country and know what major event may or are aspiring around you .And to be well educated you have know at least want to know whats going on around you like even if its just watching the news for five minites or reading a world history book that will help you in this matter