Alexander Hamilton was elected by George Wasington as Treasury secretary, his goal was to<u> improve the solvency of the new nation</u>, which was not very good because both the states and Congress were indebted for the war of the revolution.
To solve the situation, <u>Hamilton suggested that the federal government assume the debt of the states</u> for which he founded the first central bank in the United States with the ability to mint money.
Heinrich Himmler implemented Hitler's Holocaust plan to uproot eastern Europeans and send German peasants to colonize their land. They were Nazis and Himmler was responsible for the Holocaust, and directed the mass killing of six million Jewish people, and many other ethnicities. He later committed suicide in the British custody.
This stele represents the Neo-babylonian military achievement of building protective walls and a moat around Babylon.
The achievement was important because it protected them from attacks.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
of Jefferson’s famous quotes about Shays’ Rebellion are still
frequently cited by people who are “mad as hell” about something the
government has done.
Today, relatively few people actually believe
that the sentiments Jefferson expressed should be interpreted and acted
out literally, through a violent revolution.
<span>Some anti-gun control protesters who carry signs referring to Jefferson’s “tree of liberty” quote apparently do.</span>