a good algorithm must be able to accept a set of defined input. Output: a good algorithm should be able to produce results as output, preferably solutions. Finiteness: the algorithm should have a stop after a certain number of instructions. Generality: the algorithm must apply to a set of defined inputs.Explanation:
Certificate or associate's degree with considerable work experience; bachelor's degree most often required; master's degree for some jobs
They acknowledge the source of a quotation, paraphrase, or summary; and (2) They provide explanatory comments that would interrupt the flow of the main its B
The answer is 1) JPEG 2) TIFF 3) BMP.
<span>The best option that should be considered when preparing these images used for the web :
</span>1) JPG (jpeg) - Used to compress web images to a small file size without
sacrificing quality
2) TIFF (tiff) - Used for professional print images to save in a uncompressed
file format at high resolution.
3) BMP - Used for either web or print because of the ability to save high
quality images ether compressed or uncompressed.