Establishment of European colonies.
The Age of Exploration did lead directly to the establishment of European colonies as well as a global trade network.
The power of the Government is limited in that Government cannot do everything it desires. This is so because it was elected by people, and assuming that the politicians in the goverment will want to be re-elected, they have to do what the people want, and not whatever they want: they have limits on their actions.
When you have the broad match modifiers, your ads will be better positioned to appear when searches contain the key words one has marked with a plus sign or close variations of the words. The matching of key words are usually being utilized by companies that set out to sell an array of products to a large customer group. These companies can avoid the use phrases or matching words when the key words in their ads are better structured with the broad modifiers.
Rome was a dangerous place, politicians and generals went to war to increase power and people couldn't get enough food.