Sagittarius A* is the name of the black hole region that creates the gravitational force holding the Milky Way together.
My state is Ohio which has the unemployment rate is 5.3 % in the month of May. The Unemployment rate in the state of Ohio in the month of January 2021 is 5.3 % while on the other hand, the unemployment rate in the state of Ohio in the month of May 2021 is 5.0 % which is 0.3 percent decrease. This decrease means that 0.3 % people of state of Ohio get employment.
A progressive tax is a tax that imposes a lower tax rate on low-income earners compared to those with a higher income, making it based on the taxpayer's ability to pay. That means it takes a larger percentage from high-income earners than it does from low-income individuals.
Japan was never colonised by Europeans