<em>Missing Information:</em>
<em>It takes Mr. Hamilton 1/15 of an hour to grade one student’s exam and 1/30 of an hour to grade one student’s quiz.</em>
Step-by-step explanation:
Determine the time spent on x students
First, we need to determine the total time spent on 1 student
Take LCM
Next is to determine the total time on x students:
\cocoatextscaling1\cocoaplatform1{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;}
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833/10000 fraction 83.3 percentage
Let's assume
x represents the number of $25 tickets
y represents the number of $50 tickets
A total of 1,250 tickets
so, we get
So, cost of $25 tickets is 25x
So, cost of $50 tickets is 50y
Total cost of tickets =(cost of $25 tickets)+(cost of $50 tickets)
Total cost of tickets =25x+50y
we are given
worth $50,000, were sold
so, we get equation as
we get system of equations as
surface area = (2)(5)(13)+(13)(10)+(12)(10)