One of the main things that Africa had was a self-government and town meetings, where people would meet to make their society better. They also started the majority rules in politics. Americans borrowed these ideas and implemented them into our government. :)
Narendra Modi since 2014
I think correct me if I'm wrong
a: congress enacted the larges single tax cut in U.S history
c: Reagan's adminisration balanced the national budget "supply-side" economics
d: Reagan's adminisration eliminated many govornment regulations on business
A). A series of public debates with Stephen Douglas
As per the question, the key cause of Lincoln's nationwide political popularity was 'a sequence of his public debates with the former Democratic senator, Stephen A. Douglas.' The series of seven debates with him regarding the concern over extension of slavery as Douglas had the belief that slavery will automatically come to an end as the product of sovereignty while Lincoln was in favor of a proper law for the abolishment of slavery to outcast it legally. However, <u>the debates could not reach a conclusion yet this point of view made Lincoln extremely popular among the masses</u>.