Answer: The papal deposing power was the most powerful tool of the political authority claimed by and on behalf of the Roman Pontiff, in medieval and early modern thought, amounting to the assertion of the Pope's power to declare a Christian monarch heretical and powerless to rule. Pope Gregory VII's Dictatus Papae (c.
Explanation: Hope this helps :)
citizens have rights.
they are freely born in and out of the country.
A citizen is a member of his or her state or country
Answer: Saggital saw.
A saggital saw is a specialised saw used by orthopedic surgeons in bone resection. The blade of a saggital saw oscillates through a small angel, this helps to prevent causing damage to surrounding tissue, this results in the reduction of cutting rate due to short stroke length. A saggital saw oscillates at 10,000- 20,000 per minutes. Saggital bone saw with orbital blade motion is aimed at improving efficiency in cutting.
Given how these signals are processed, the woman would have a poor sense of both taste and smell.
A woman carries a mutation in one of the genes encoding olfactory sensory receptors; however, her gustatory sensory receptors appear normal. What would you predict regarding this woman's sense of taste and smell?
Given how these signals are processed, the woman would have a poor sense of both taste and smell.Taste and smell are more complicated than we know,working together, and alone, these senses can have big impacts on everything,food tastes different when the sense of smell is impaired.
Smell depends on sensory receptors that respond to airborne chemicals,Olfactory receptors are able to detect air-borne odor molecules that enter the nasal cavity and bind to olfactory receptors and human nose has roughly 400 types of scent receptors that can detect at least 1 trillion different odors