Abraham has 6 sons while on Earth
The correct answer is B, appeals to people living in a wide variety of locations.
Universal religions are open to all human beings regardless of their ethnic, cultural, geographic or political group. Some examples are Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam. All of the above share the use of missionaries to spread their beliefs.
Poor nutrition and the lack of movement
Obesity is on the rise because of many contributing factors. The biggest two are poor nutrition and the lack of physical activity. Obesity related diseases, such as diabetics and coronary diseases, could well be avoided or at least reduced in numbers if people followed some basic health guidance and changed their lifestyles.
The availability of fast food, which is tasty but lacking in nutrients and full of chemicals, made it convenient for families not to cook. Ready or pre-cooked meals are preferred and people are ignorant of the health danger of such products.
The lack of physical activity is due to sedentary lifestyle of the majority of people nowadays. Being on social media has an impact as well, as people spend long hours playing with their phones or on their computers, neglecting physical exercise or an outdoor activity.
According to French sociologist Emile Durkheim the word anomie was described as derangement.
When society undergoes rapid change in terms standards or values of societies this causes an alienation among people. People feel purposeless and cannot meet the required standards set by society. The feelings of purposelessness and not belonging to any group leads to the increase in anomie.
Hitler carried many views, but some more prominent ones were that (1) Jews were responsible for Germany's poor economical condition (2) Communism (or Marxism) was to be fought against (3) Germany was treated unfairly after WW1