informative, discrimiitive,critical thats the order
By using the str() function.
teeth = 32
The str() function returns the string version of the given object.
802.11a supports bandwidth of 54 Mbps in a regulated frequency spectrum of 5 GHz. 802.11a also referred to as Wi-fi 2. 802.11a is basically costs higher than 802.11b though both were created at the same time. Hence 802.11b is more popular than 802.11a . All of them are developed by IEEE.
its not simple nothing never is deleted from online posts or photos
Option b the development of one or a few related analytics applications.
Data silo is the isolated information in an organization which is not shared across different departments. Data silo could exist because one department in an organization may not see the necessity to share information to other department. Or the information is deemed as unique data which is dedicated to develop one or a few very specific analytics applications. Data silos should be minimized if an organization intends to develop a data analytics system that support in enterprise wide level.