Volcanoes and Earthquakes occur more frequently where tectonic plates meet or separate
Volcanoes do occur underwater at mid - oceanic ridges but it often occurs when the plates are separating and this usually forms new islands
The term that is used is "tiaga".
Tiaga is the russian name which is used for boreal forest and which is also called as "Spruce moose". The reason behind this is that characteristic animals of this biome also includes moose, that's why it is sometimes called spruce moose. This biome covers the area of province quebec of Canada.
A map is a representation of the Earth's surface. It is also a portable document describing an area. A map can also provide data such as migration trends, directions, and rock composition. There are many types of maps: The physical map shows land and water formations: mountains, oceans, rivers, the climate type shows the type of weather conditions occurring in the world, the political map shows how the earth's surface is divided into borders: continents, countries, and states... The science of making maps is referred to as cartography.
When a hurricane intensifies and the wind speed increases, an eye begins to form in the center of the storm. This normally occurs once the winds reach about 80 mph. Almost always the eye is circular when viewed from above, and measures about 20 to 40 miles in diameter. It looks cylindrical in a cross section of the storm, and extends through the center of the storm like a chimney. The air over the storm sinks through the center of the eye.
Hurricanes are formed from centers of low atmospheric pressures in warm waters around which strong air currents begin to circulate.
When ocean water heats up, the air rises and swirls to fill the low pressure that this creates.
This causes the air to be sucked in and up, which reinforces the low pressure in the center.
Thus, when the wind speed increases to 128 km / h, a kind of "vacuum" is created that meteorologists call "eye", since it has an almost circular shape.