B. #
Every preprocessing directive must begin with the # character.
For example:
#define : Used to define a macro
#ifndef : Conditional evaluation of macro
#include : Used to include other preprocessor header file as part of the code
As we can see each of the directives begins with the # character. This is a signal to the preprocessor to interpret the subsequent keyword as a directive.
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There is block cipher kind of mode of operation. The block cipher mode of operating requires that both the message sender and receiver is exchanged is the (CTR) Counter.
<h3>What is the Counter (CTR)?</h3>
This is known to be a common block cipher mode of operation. It often needs that both the message sender and receiver to have a kind of access a counter, that helps to computes a new value whenever a ciphertext block is been exchanged.
The disadvantage of CTR is known to be the fact that it needs a synchronous counter necessary for both the sender and receiver.
Learn more about block cipher mode from
Agile testing is software testing that follows the best practices of Agile development. For example, Agile development takes an incremental approach to design. Similarly, Agile testing includes an incremental approach to testing. In this type of software testing, features are tested as they are developed.
Repeatable when talking about science means that the evidence and conclusions that have been considered in one study should be also possible to come to in another study.
In other words,
If study 1 finds result X, study 2 should also find result X. This means that the result is repeatable.