1 step (B): raise both sides of the equation to the power of 2.
2 step (A): simplify to obtain the final radical term on one side of the equation.
3 step (F): raise both sides of the equation to the power of 2 again.
4 step (E): simplify to get a quadratic equation.
5 step (D): use the quadratic formula to find the values of x.
6 step (C): apply the zero product rule.
Additional 7 step: check these solutions, substituting into the initial equation.
The solution for your answer is 12
Yes, it is harder.
Step-by-step explanation:
T: 8x+19
7x-2(4-2x)+6(5-x)-x+2-(6x+5) = 7x-8+2x+30+6x-x+2-6x-5 = 8x+19
Y: 56-8x
9-(-2-3x)+4(-x+6)-x+12-3(2x-3) = 9+2+3x-4x+24-x+12-6x+9 = 56-8x