The rules must be agreed upon by the House upon meeting. Each new congress is bound by rules and proceedings of a previous congress.
Industrial revolution was the time when the production and manufacturing goods moved from small shops to large factories.
Industrial revolution started in Great Britain during the time of 1780s and even till 1820 or 1840s, they were not fully felt by the people of that country. It started with the mechanized spinning wheel in Britain which marked the beginning of the industrial revolution.
Industrial revolution was an era when the production and he manufacturing of the good moved from the small home based production system to large factories, therefore increasing the level of production, giving more employment opportunities and increasing efficiency level of the production. The sources for checking these were manuscripts, maps, drawings, newspaper, periodicals, letters etc.
The Townshend Acts would use the revenue raised by the duties to pay the salaries of colonial governors and judges, ensuring the loyalty of America's governmental officials to the British Crown. However, these policies prompted colonists to take action by boycotting British goods.
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