The Lunar Society meet monthly during a full moon to have a lavishly large conversations and debates and gather. They used the Lunar Room on a full moon to have advantage of all of the light possible.
Poor Infrastructure
Ghana's infrastructure has several problems. First, many of the infrastructure projects have a low completion rate. Second, the existing infrastructure suffers from poor quality. And third, there is weak institutional capacity to develop new infrastructure
It was a test of strength for the people.
Back in Greek times, people competed in the Olympics. That's where it all started. They would do games in honor of their gods. The main ones they celebrated were:
Nike, goddess of victory
Zeus, lord of the sky
Apollo, god of the sun and music
Hermes, god of thieves.
The highest point above sea level is an elevation. The difference between the highest and lowest point in an area is a relief.
Environmental responsibility means it our important duty to look towards the environment so that it does not get degraded. This two responsibilities could help to fight social challenges because those responsibilities make us the citizens which think about the country they live in.