1. abdominus rectus
a they oppose the biceps
2. forearm extensors
b. part of the quadriceps group
3. gastrocnemius
c. often called the buttocks
4. Achilles tendons
d. this muscle can be used to bend
the trunk from side to side
5. sartonus
6. trapezium muscles
e shaped like an upside down
7. rectus femoris muscles
f. connect the calf muscles to the
heel bones
8. deltoid muscles
9. latissimus dorsi muscles
g. muscles of the lower back: they
insert on the ribs
10. triceps
h their origin is on the shinbones
and they insert on the ankle bones
11. gluteus maximus muscles
i start at the spine and end at
the tibias
12. anterior tibialis muscles
13. biceps femoris
j. one of the three muscles often
referred to as the hamstrings
k largest muscle forming the calf
1. used to raise the shoulders
their insertions are on the
Transverse abdominis is the innermost layer of the abdominals that is the anterior and lateral abdominal wall which is key to every movement a person make and it helps stabilize the core and spine to help the body function correctly by compressing the abdomen.
TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS is the muscles that is lengthened in Lower Crossed Syndrome.
A pulmonologist A pulmonologist is a physician who specializes in the respiratory system. From the windpipe to the lungs.
1. Vincent and Susie are irresponsible parents becuase they had more children than they could afford to take care of. Most of their children are unable to go to school due to finacial difficulties. The youngest child is also sick due to premature birth and is suffering with dirrhea. There is not enough food in the house too and Susie's health is also badly affected due to numerous pregnancies.
2. Susie has undergone 8 pregancies in which only 6 has survied. This tells us that her body is unable to handle any more pregancies. Her health is also detoriating. More pregancies can badly affect the health of the baby as well Susie's.
Maybe to eat less sugar and more carbs( but not to many) and to eat more iron foods