The more information an entrepreneur acquires during the process of feasibility analysis, the higher the chance that his or her predictions will be close to the mark, risk will be reduced, and uncertainty managed.
The study or examination about the extent to which the proposed idea will be practical and can be achieved at an economic manner refers to the feasibility study. In business it is very essential to decide whether to take up a project or not. It also helps in narrowing the project and plan accordingly.
It also helps in making predictions about whether the expected results can be attained from a particular idea or a project. Thus during the feasibility study the entrepreneur must obtain as much information as possible as it helps him in the evaluation of risks, uncertainties and other related things.
Such countries will <u>endure a sharp contraction of demand in the short term</u>
International Monetary Fund (IMF) grants loans on differing scales to countries in need but <u>has certain regulatory economic policies in place</u>, such as one that limits government spending.
These policies cause demand in such countries to contract sharply in the short run.
Other things being equal,foreign governments and corporations would demand <u>More</u> U.S.funds if their local interest rates were suddenly higher than U.S. rates.For a given foreign interest rate level,foreign demand for U.S. funds is <u>inversely </u>related to U.S.interest rates.
Answer: More;inversely
U.S. funds represent the funds that are available for borrowing and interest rates means cost of those borrowings.Other countries can buy U.S funds.There is inverse relationship between U.S. interest rates and foreign demand for U.S. funds.If U.S. interest rates are higher than a given foreign interest rate, than foreign governments will demand less of U.S funds because it will be costlier.But on the other hand if U.S.interest rates are less than a given foreign interest rate,than other countries will demand more of U.S. funds because it will be cheaper for them.
So demand curve for U.S funds and U.S interest rates is downward sloping.It has negative slope.