Decidieron abandonar el asunto. En cambio, el 28 de septiembre, el Congreso ordenó a las legislaturas estatales que convocaran a convenciones de ratificación en cada estado. El Artículo VII estipulaba que nueve estados tenían que ratificar la Constitución para que entrara en vigencia.
Answer: es cierto
porque sencillamente lo que quieren que haga el esclavo sea al instante; literalmente de inmediato
The reason why vehicle skids are most likely occur is because of the roads are too slippery to go through that made vehicle slide, another thing, the reason could be because drivers are too fast in driving that could make their car skid because driving too fast could make the car unbalance as it turns to different directions. As vehicle skids, it could lead to accidents, harming not only the driver but to other drivers around them.