not being rude but how many question do you have how do you do that
i know the answer though
a, motivational
b, emotional
c, Rational
Employees engagement is level to which an employee has passion for his/her job (motivation), commitment to the firm (emotion) as well as his/her rational input in his/her efforts (rationality or use of discretion).
Employee engagement could be mistaken for employee satisfaction but they are not related.
Under the installment sales method, the total contract price is $85,000
gain on the sale is $58,800 ( 85,000 + 15,000 - 40,000 - 1,200)
and the amount of gain reported in 2018 is $3,459.
I agree with the statement that "Persistent long-term growth is most achievable in moderate rates."
For instance, Company B may not be motivated to continue on its growth trajectory because it has doubled in size in a few years. The reason for this demotivation is that to achieve further growth may not become a motivator and it may not be repeatable, with management relaxing its growth efforts. Companies that achieve persistent long-term growth usually grow at moderate rates.
Sell the put option. The put option is better and advantageous .
The call option is trading far below the strike price and poses risk. The price may not go up to $1.25 and hence not advisable. The put option is better as we stand to make a profit margin ($1.15 / Euro) if it sells the put at he strike price immediately. Given that the difference is high, it is unlikely that the price will move against us and we shall exercise the option as soon as the margin starts reducing.