-Some objects can store carbon for many years and are known as carbon sinks.
-Carbon in the air is attached to oxygen and is known as a molecule called carbon dioxide.
-Plants use carbon dioxide in the air to make their own food through a process called photosynthesis.
-When plants die and decompose, they could eventually become a fossil fuel and be burned to return as carbon dioxide in the air.
-Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is helpful because it helps keep our planet at a livable temperature.
-The ocean takes up quite a bit of carbon dioxide to provide nutrients for its plants.
-Living substances that contain carbon are known as organic.
-Carbon is the second most abundant substance in living organisms behind water.
-Humans can obtain carbon in the carbon cycle by eating plants or eating animals that eat plants.
-Roughly 99% of carbon is stored deep within the Earth’s surface.
-Carbon is so important that there is an entire branch of chemistry dedicated to it called organic chemistry.
-Carbon is very versatile in that it can combine with up to four other elements at the same time and can exist as a solid, liquid, or a gas.
-Carbon-14 dating is a technique used to determine the age of ancient artifacts and fossils.
-Carbon is number 4 on the most abundant elements in the universe list.-
-The origin of the word carbon comes from the word carbo which is Latin for coal.
I hope this helps