Perlemoen is reasonably
easy to take available of the ocean and do not really required huge and
expensive equipment. The poachers take out millions of rands worth of Perlemoen
with relatively simple and cheap equipment such as wet suites, googles and
flippers. The most expensive equipment they use are their boats and vehicles. In
comparison with the lucrative industry the costs of poaching are low. Perlemoen
are often the smaller, younger abalone of the species that are taken because
they are quite simply and easier to harvest.
The younger perlemoen are found closer to the
shoreline and often bunched together and they can get a whole whack of them at
one spot.
The strandlopers harvested the perlemoen from
the rocks during low tide without the need for diving.
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The stages of most stars life in order are: A Protostar, Main Sequence, Red Giant B Protostar, Main Sequence, Red Dwarf C Main Sequence, Red Dwarf, Protostar D Red Giant, Main Sequence, Protostar E Nebula, Protostar, Red Dwarf. 2 What does a protostar have to do to become a star? A Nuclear fusion in its core. B Nuclear fission in its core.
1. RNA
2. Cytosine and guanine
3. RNA
4. Replication
5. Unwinding the double helix
6. DNA polymerase
7. Identical
8. Repair the DNA
9. Changes in nucleotides of a DNA molecule that affect the genetic message
10. The gene for beta-galactosidase turns off.
11. p53
12. A part of DNA that does not code for a functional protein
13. Proteins
14. Transfer RNA
15. The making of an RNA molecule from a DNA strand by pairing of bases of RNA nucleotides with the complementary bases in DNA
16. 3
17. Tertiary
18. Enzymes
19. The reaction slows down.
20. The active site of an enzyme
21. 60%
22. Conserved energy
23. different
24. Gene expression
I hope that this helps you !
is important to the transmission of nerve impulses.
a) Zinc
b) Calcium
c) Sodium
d) Iron