Some topics are general and are regarded as 'classical' because they are always relevant across time periods through being relatable even as time progresses. For example, topics or themes about politics and satire would still prevail until now. Other topics or themes (such as viral videos) are only for that particular event and do not always occur, thus they do not prevail in the long run.
Run-on sentence. There needs to be a period or at least a semi-colon before "they include...."
Open Mindedness.
Without an open mind, you have no ability to change what you think. therefore you cannot and will not have any type of willingness to consider others ideas.
please rate and mark as brainlest.
Bro you will never know what is life ,Sometimes life becames so Pain,you think to remove your self from the world of pain,but for full filling your dream you will start hard work you will fail again restart it's a continous process which you will never see but its going and going you will never know.
Nice question.You shoild find your self what it is than you will understand rather than my opinion.Hope you undertand what i meant to say
Answer: Integrity
Explanation: I say this because teachers would notice this and then start to make you get better grades because having integrity is a great quality that would get you father in life much more than inteligance