The pectorals major is an enormous, fan-formed muscle covering the chest. It is included clavicular and sternocostal areas. Adducts and turns the upper arm. Transverse adduction and flexion of the pectoralis major is smooth movement. You can see the muscles extending far and contracting back effectively.
The biceps brachii is a two-headed muscle. Despite the fact that most of the bulk is found anteriorly to the humerus, it has no connection deep down itself. The activity is Supination of the lower arm. It likewise flexes the arm at the elbow and at the shoulder. In the biceps brachil there isn't a lot of expansion found in the muscle contrasted with the pectoralis major.
The gravitational potential energy of the ball decreases as it rolls down the hill while the gravitational kinetic energy of the ball increases due to its acceleration in velocity.
A hypothesis is a testable possible explanation, while a theory is an explanation that has been tested extensively.
If you need to learn more and remember about this stuff better, watch the Amoeba Sister's <em>Casual and Scientific Use of "Theory" and "Law"</em>. Trust me, it helps!
These mutations are called neutral mutations. Examples include silent point mutations. They are neutral because they do not change the amino acids in the proteins they encode.