Answer No 1:
Phospholipids are made up of phosphorus head and two fatty acid molecules. These phosphorus head and fatty acid tail is joined together by glycerol. Fatty acid molecules are made up of Carbon, hydrogen and oxyge. Hence,carbon and hydrogen can be said as two other elements present in phospholipids.
Answer No 2:
The building blocks of lipids are glycerol and fatty acids.
Lipids can be described as vital organic molecules which are not soluble in water. They are made up of chains of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Someof the examples of lipids are fats and oils. Lipids are the main molecules present in an organisms cell membrane and hence have huge biological importance.
Answer No 3:
Lipids are biologically important molecules as they play very vital roles in the functioning of an organisms body. Two of the functions of lipids are:
- Lipids and phosphorus molecules combine to form phospholipids. The phospholipids are the main molecules out of which the cell membrane is made. Hence, lipids play an essential role in providing the cell membrane its structure.
- Lipids store energy and provide insulation to the body of an organism.
Now leave the paper in the container overnight. In the morning, look at the paper and write down your observations.
what am i supposed to do????
I don't think it will work.
Fish breathe with gill not lungs. Unlike lungs, gill works one way. You breathe out air out of you mouth but fish dump the water from their gill so they shouldn't be able to push water out of their mouth.
Even if the could fish push the water through their mouth, the gas exchange didn't happen because the water didn't move through the gill. The fish that giving water cannot breathe while giving resuscitation.
The correct answer is- photosynthesis
According to the endosymbiotic theory, an ancestral cell engulfed a cyanobacteria and lived in symbiotic association with that bacteria and over time this bacteria evolved into the chloroplast and the ancestral cell developed into plant cell.
So as cyanobacteria was the first aerobic cell that can evolve oxygen and can do photosynthesis to produce organic food so it could be concluded that the presence of endosymbiotic cyanobacteria provided a cell with the advantage of photosynthesis.
copy it open a new tab paste it search it and then theres a vid of me explaing it and the answer