Answer:ok so I don’t know this so goodly but I think u should do it urself
Inhaling particles from a wildfire can cause respiratory irritation, shortness of breath, asthma, and lead to long-term problems such as heart disease. If carbon monoxide is in the air, it can be fatal.
It burns away the alcohol therefore you can't get drunk off of eating the food
The first step is to go to my doctor and schedule a flu shot. If a person in my family has gotten it, my chances of getting are higher so if I were to get a flu shot, it would make it less likely that I will get it. The next step would be to take care of myself. I should wash my hands and practice good hygiene throughout this so I don't catch the flu either. I would then try to make sure my brother is healthy again. This is important because it allows him to not spread and affect others as well.