A because its not healthy to take pills that a doctor has not prescribed you. You could get more stressed when the pills wear off and get hooked onto the pill
Patients who become dependent upon EMS personnel or other health care providers often feel shameful and dependent.
EMS is the Emergency Medical Services. It is also called the ambulance service. It gives the pre-hospitalization treatments so that the patient can be turned a little stable on the way to the hospital. The service provided can have different levels according to the seriousness of the patient. The medical practitioner also varies according to the situation.
Health care provider is a person who looks after a patient or a person who needs assistance. It can be in the hospital or outside the hospital, at home in schools or colleges, or even at workplaces.
To know more about EMS, here
I would think it would depend on the situation. Basic first aid may be all that is required for certain wounds or accidents. In other circumstances it should be administered until a trained professional can take over.